CSAW 2022

Child Safety Awareness Walkathon

2K & 5K Walkathon

Sunday 27 Nov 2022  6:30AM

@Jalavihar, Necklace Road, Hyderabad

Prevention is the Key!

Millions of children are traumatized because of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) globally. With ever-growing digitalization and technological innovations, the issue is making inroads in different forms. Although CSA is not so openly talked about issue, it’s an offence that can happen in any setting of society, even in the places ideally considered safe to be, like home, school, and work. The offenders can be relatives, family friends, babysitters, or neighbors while the rest are strangers. However, most people and communities don’t realize that our society’s future depends on our children’s wellbeing.

Child Safety Week

Child Safety Week is a COLLABORATIVE movement to raise awareness and encourage collective action to address the issue of Child Sexual Abuse. It is observed every year between 14 – 20th November

Why the week of 14th – 20th November?

  • Children’s Day in India (14th Nov)
  • World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse (19th Nov)
  • International Children’s Day (20th Nov)

2K & 5K Walkathon

We’re organizing a walk on 27th November (International Children’s Day) at Necklace Road @6:30 AM to raise awareness on personal safety of children. With this, we aim to encourage collective responsibility and widespread participation by community members in protecting children from sexual abuse. Meridian school, Madhapur students are volunteering for organizing the event.
This is our attempt to raise awareness regarding safety of children and fight the taboos around the issue through awareness sessions for both children and adults before and during the Child Safety Week, posters and awareness leaflets, and other activities during the Walk.
Participants will receive environment-friendly cloth bag kits that include a T-shirt, water, energy drink, snack, medal, certificate, and awareness leaflet.
